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Simplified and Secure Payment Solutions by PSiGate: Global Convenience and Advanced Technology

PSiGate is a leading payment system company dedicated to streamlining the payment process for our clients. Our comprehensive suite of electronic payment services enables fast and convenient transactions worldwide.

Committed to the highest level of security, we leverage advanced technologies and adhere to rigorous security standards. PSiGate continually monitors the evolving landscape of electronic payments to ensure our services remain relevant and convenient for our valued clients.

Payment Processing Solutions


Payment Processing Solutions


Risk Mangement

Assessed risks

The payment company analyzed all possible risks associated with conducting transactions and accepting payments. This could include risks of fraud, non-compliance with laws and regulatory requirements, technical failures, etc.

Developed a risk management strategy

Determined which measures would be taken to reduce risks. This could include the use of identity verification technologies and automatic transaction monitoring systems, as well as employee training and adoption of security policies..

Fraud Detection

Types of scams

Phishing Attacks
Phishing scams are one of the most common types of fraud experienced by payment system company customers
Using credit cards
Stolen credit card fraud is one of the most common types of payment service fraud. Criminals can use stolen credit cards to make purchases without your permission
Attackers can install magnetic stripe readers on ATMs or other devices that accept credit cards
Database hacking
is a method of fraud in which attackers gain unauthorised access to a database that contains credit card information

PCI Compliance

Protection of stored data: Use strong encryption to protect the data stored in the database. Restrict access to stored data to only the necessary persons
Protection of transmitted data: Use SSL to protect data when transmitting over open networks. Do not transmit data over open networks without encryption
Updating systems and applications: Regularly update operating systems, applications and other software to eliminate vulnerabilities. Do not use software that is no longer supported

Payment Gateway Integration


API Documentation

Our payment system provides a convenient and secure way to make online payments. Our API allows for easy integration of our payment system into your website or mobile application. We support various types of payment cards and electronic wallets, as well as provide a wide range of currency operations.

To start using our API, you need to register on our website and obtain a unique API key. With this key, you can access our API functions, including creating payments, checking payment statuses, and refunding payments. To create a payment, you need to provide us with payment information, including the amount, currency, card number or electronic wallet data, etc. We process this information and create a payment that can be paid using our partner payment systems.

SDKs & Plugins

The payment system SDK and plugins allow developers to easily integrate this payment system into their applications. This documentation describes how to install and configure the SDK and plugins, and how to use their functions to perform payment transactions